The Kenwood Experience
Camp Kenwood’s mission is to support our boys to become the best versions of themselves. Since 1930 we have helped our campers grow to be sportsmen, artists and men of compassion and character. We have chosen to keep Kenwood’s camper population relatively small, with less than 200 campers (ages 8-15), while maintaining a 3-1 camper-to-counselor ratio. Because of our intimate size every Kenwood camper and counselor knows one another, which has cultivated a sense of unity and belonging since our founding.

Camp Kenwood grows with your child through carefully crafted traditions, age appropriate programming and intentional experiences that correlate with your child’s phases of life. Playing sports, artistic endeavors and making lasting social connections is always at the core of the Kenwood experience. Throughout the arc of your child’s experience, each summer is designed to provide him with lasting, impactful outcomes unique to life at Camp Kenwood.