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The Kenwood and Evergreen Experience

A values-driven all-around traditional overnight camp community where campers experience being their best selves, turn summer relationships into lifelong friendships, and experience fun and laughter while creating everlasting memories.

Kenwood & Evergreen is a place to become a better athlete, artist, performer and person.




Traditional Boys Camp

Become a part of a caring all-around camp community, have hysterical fun, hone sports skills, develop visual and performing art skills, explore the natural world, have a life changing summer unplugged from technology.

the kenwood experience

Traditional Girls Camp

Founded on the idea of helping young women grow to become the most confident and compassionate version of themselves. Camp Evergreen fosters growth through traditions, all-around programming, and experiences.

the evergreen experience


Why Choose Kenwood and Evergreen

An overnight camp that truly partners with parents throughout your child’s life, helping prepare them to be tomorrow’s leaders and innovators. We develop an individual understanding of your child in order to provide him or her with the optimal summer experience, including activities, role models and peer relationships.

why kenwood & evergreen
