Kenwood Bunks
In Kenwood, the bunks for each age group are clustered together around a common outdoor area for playing games or having a quiet conversation with a new friend. Our general counselors live in the same shared space with our campers so that they can be fully involved in the daily lives of each and every boy.

Our spacious bunks and large grassy areas give our Kenwood boys both indoor and outdoor places to make strong social connections. Play areas surround each living space and include ping pong, tetherball, fire pits for night time campfires, and decks for hanging out with friends and favorite counselors. Kenwood bunk areas also have indoor living room spaces for card games, building with Legos, or bringing the entire age group together for bonding activities.
Kenwood bunks have electricity, hot water, and private showers and toilets.
Another important thing to note about our counselors that separates us from other camps is that our bunk counselors are hired exclusively as bunk counselors. Many camps will have a child’s bunk counselor serve other roles throughout the day, whether it be a member of the food service team, a position at the waterfront or an activity specialist. Our bunk counselors have a very specific mission: keep campers safe at all times, be a listening ear, support them in their day to day challenges and to ensure that they are having the best summer possible! Your child will be known and will never “fall through the cracks”.