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Available Positions

General Counselor

A general counselor lives in the bunks with campers, with 1-2 other staff members and 6-8 campers. Their main role is to oversee a camper’s summer experience, including helping them navigate Camp life, make social connections, participate in daily activities, overcome challenges and have an amazing fun-filled summer. General counselors need to be supportive, encouraging role models as they are at the heartbeat of our community.

General Counselor in girls bunk reading with campers


Specialists are staff members who have both passion for and training in one of our activity areas. They spend the majority of their day helping our campers improve their athletic or artistic skills. Check out our activities list to see if you could extend your passion to our community.

Tennis specialist teaching camper how to serve

Office Staff

Our office staff work in the central hub of Camp, the main office. They spend their days answering parent phone calls and emails, and making sure the Camp day runs smoothly. They also oversee administrative tasks such as making copies, taking messages for staff, and facilitating communication between departments at Camp.

Medical Staff

Our on campus health center consists of a team of registered nurses and a doctor, all of whom live on site. Most of our medical team members are camp parents who rotate throughout the summer, and specialize in working with children or in emergency situations in the home life. During the summer they handle first aid incidents, medication administration and house sick campers and staff in our large health center which is situated in the middle of campus. Our medical team helps keep our community healthy.

Health care staff smiling

Facilities Staff

Our facilities staff ensure that Camp runs smoothly , and are ever present to fix problems, build beautiful new facilities and maintain our gorgeous campus. Lining sports fields, landscaping and helping preserve our buildings are just a small sample of our facilities staff’s job role.

Housekeeping Staff

Our housekeeping staff help keep our living and eating spaces clean and tidy. Additionally, they oversee laundry for our whole community and make sure campers have fresh bedding and clothing.

Kitchen Staff

Our Kitchen staff serve our community of 500-plus people breakfast, lunch and dinner each day of the summer. The team includes chefs, cooks, bakers, our dining room manager, and kitchen assistants. Our kitchen team works cohesively to provide delicious, nutritional meals that our campers and staff adore. We are also an allergy friendly camp that is tree nut/peanut free, and also serves gluten free, egg free, dairy free and vegetarian alternatives at every meal.

Year Round Admin

Our year round adminisatrtion team work all year long to create an amazing summer experience for our staff and campers. Positions include:

  • Director of Business Operations and Finance
  • Assistant Director
  • Sales and Family Engagement
  • Head Counselors
  • Office Manager

We are currently preparing for the summer of 2025. If you are interested in a position at Kenwood and Evergreen please fill out our Online Application

Kitchen staff making treats

General Counselor

A general counselor lives in the bunks with campers, with 1-2 other staff members and 6-8 campers. Their main role is to oversee a camper’s summer experience, including helping them navigate Camp life, make social connections, participate in daily activities, overcome challenges and have an amazing fun-filled summer. General counselors need to be supportive, encouraging role models as they are at the heartbeat of our community.

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